Our Publication


North Star Notes have appeared from time to time along the way over the last 30 years.  we will use the year for the Volume number despite lack of some years issues.  The normal publication is a on a Seasonal format.  If you missed the pictures of John's special motorcycle click on the picture here!

North Star Notes is the official publication of the North Star Region, Crosley Automobile Club, Inc.  The North Star Region has been a part of the national Crosley club since 1978 and membership is open to any current member of the national club.  Dues are $2.00 per year and should be sent to the Editor at

Please send any good Crosley stuff to the club address for inclusion in new issues of the Notes.  I hate to use old stuff, but will start putting some in for those that have not seen it yet.  Perhaps a feature of looking back on our history.  Anyway please send feedback, stories, material, complaints, by e-mail, snail mail, unrestored Crosley, covered wagon, whatever.  Thanx.     

Editor:    Fred Syrdal
                4716 Stinson Blvd N E
                Columbia Heights, MN  55421-2963
                E-mail me 

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